Astru - "Dogma (első)"
Astru - "Dogma (második)"
Astru - "Fecseg a felszín, hallgat a mély"
Astru - "Self-Disclosure, Part I."
Astru - "Sopor"
Astru - "Ultranada"
Avarsír - "Mind meghalunk" EP
Azutmaga - "Azutmaga" EP
Azutmaga - "Offering"
Babona - "Az utolsó lélegzet" EP
Babona - "Menedék"
Babona - "Miskolc"
Babona - "Szentségtelen" EP
Babona - "Virágom"
Bipolar Disorder - "Agony of Melancholy"
Bipolar Disorder - "Dive Into the Sea of Dying"
Bipolar Disorder - "Lélek hamvak"
Bipolar Disorder - "Mysterious Pain"
Bipolar Disorder - "The First Step into the Unknown Light" EP
Bipolar Disorder - "Végtelen csend" EP
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